Last weekend, Joyce and I made what probably will be the last ride of this year for us! In the Pacific Northwest when November hits, the rains are not far behind. Riding in cold rain is not on my list of desirable hobbies, so we normally stay off the bike until the spring.
On occasion we might ride in a Christmas ride of some type for charity, but that's only if there is a day that is without rain that coincides with the ride.
I don't want you to think we're just fair weather riders. I've riden through rain, snow, sleet, hail, super high winds, super high temps (twice to Las Vegas and back thru the desert in the summer). I just don't like to 'start' my ride knowing that it's going to be rainy. In addition, safety goes downhill quickly no matter how much I put into my riding safety.
I hope you'll read the many posts from the year, and look at all the many motorcycle photos that are in the previous months. When it's cold out, and you feel like a ride; just take the time to go thru and find a ride story or two and drink them up, until the sun comes out again next spring.
I'll continue to post from time to time....and I'd love to keep receiving your photos and posts.
After all, this is the 'Worldwide' Motorcycle Association.....and there are truly members from around the world. I know that in the Southern Hemisphere it is spring, and you riders from below the equator are probably just beginning to get on your bikes.
Send me a photo and a ride story from your part of the world....I'd really enjoy that, and so would the other readers.
Until next spring.....ride safe!