Don't miss the many ride stories and photos of members in the articles below.

Also, be sure to go to the archives section to see more than 200 posts of members bikes and stories.

Search This Site-For an Old Article - Just type a keyword in and hit the search button.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Over 400 Members in the WMA!!!!!! Wooo Hooo!!!!

We did it!!!!!

400 Members who represent a truly worldwide motorcycle riding group!

Keep in touch. Use our 'Discussions' section in the Worldwide Motorcycle Association group to ask questions and read comments of others.

Ride safe brothers and sisters!

Monday, August 3, 2009

399 Members in the WMA as of this morning.....

Welcome to our website. As mentioned above the site is having some technical difficulties right now. They are only about the aesthetics.....all the meat is still here.

We have reached 399 members with NO advertising....only thru word of mouth, or 'word of web'.....

Come join us. Take the time to enjoy the many photos of members and their bikes...and the ride stories that are embedded thruout.

Ride Safe, brothers and sisters!

1913 Harley Davidson - Complete Look including watching it run!

Read all the way down, and check the archives section. LOTS of great ride stories and photos!

Be sure to go to the 'Archives' on the right side of this page. There are hordes of great ride stories in 2009/2008.

You can use the 'search' button on the top righthand side of the page to find a specific article or see what's available on a specific subject.

There's a very well written story about riding around Kyushu Island Japan and ending at "The Sturgis of Japan", or ride along with John and the Muskogee Motorcycle Club back in the 'old' a story from John Merriam, or how about following Peter Galea, Francis Galea and myself as we ride from Seattle to Las Vegas?

Much more! Just go to the search bar and type a search, or spend time going thru the archives (on the lower right side) to see many stories and pictures. Ride Safe, brothers and sisters!