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Friday, March 11, 2011

Peter Galea on his 1996 Harley - a bike with true 'cachet'

As I ride along the highway of life; I enjoy the site of those that represent the 'true spirit' of a genre of any type.

When I think of a motorcycle rider; I have to think of my old buddy Peter Galea and his 15 year old Harley....they represent the true spirit of motorcycle riding....and his bike truly has 'cachet'......

Here's my tribute to Peter and his bike.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

"Motorcycle Diaries" author dies in Cuba.

Che's "Motorcycle Diaries" companion dies in Cuba
Sat Mar 5, 5:10 pm ET

HAVANA (Reuters) – Alberto Granado, who accompanied fellow Argentine Ernesto "Che" Guevara on a trip immortalized in the film "The Motorcycle Diaries, died in Cuba on Saturday at the age of 88, Cuba's state-run media reported.

The report said his ashes would be spread in Argentina, Cuba and Venezuela.

The famous trip across South America, begun in late 1951 on Granado's old British motorcycle, supposedly awakened in Guevara a sympathy for the poor and desire for social justice that turned him into a leftist revolutionary.

He was one of the leaders of Cuba's revolution that put Fidel Castro in power in 1959 and was in the Cuban government for several years until leaving to fight, less successfully, in other uprisings.

He died in Bolivia in 1967 while trying to start a rebel force there.

"The Motorcycle Diaries" was based on Guevara's diary of the trip and on Granado's book "Traveling with Che Guevara: The Making of a Revolutionary." The 2004 film was directed by Brazilian Walter Salles.

At the invitation of his friend, Granado, who was a biochemist, came to Cuba in 1961 and stayed.

(Reporting by Esteban Israel; Editing by Jeff Franks and Eric Walsh)

1913 Harley Davidson - Complete Look including watching it run!

Read all the way down, and check the archives section. LOTS of great ride stories and photos!

Be sure to go to the 'Archives' on the right side of this page. There are hordes of great ride stories in 2009/2008.

You can use the 'search' button on the top righthand side of the page to find a specific article or see what's available on a specific subject.

There's a very well written story about riding around Kyushu Island Japan and ending at "The Sturgis of Japan", or ride along with John and the Muskogee Motorcycle Club back in the 'old' a story from John Merriam, or how about following Peter Galea, Francis Galea and myself as we ride from Seattle to Las Vegas?

Much more! Just go to the search bar and type a search, or spend time going thru the archives (on the lower right side) to see many stories and pictures. Ride Safe, brothers and sisters!